Zenith Online is an open world anime, retro-themed MMORPG! Meet friends, explore the world, unlock skills unique to you based on your game experience. In the world of Zenith no two players are a like, classes and skills are all based on who you choose to be in the world while the skills your player will unlock reflect on your choices and paths taken.
The game is about to reach its early pre-alpha stage, where members of the community can have their chance for first dibs on any cool and fun rewards we may be giving out for events! As well as pre-alpha keys that can be rewarded by being in the Discord!
As of now in the game's early stages the best two ways to get involved is through Patreon or Discord! The developers and staff are always working on new content, behind the scene releases for our Patreons and updates for the community!
Join us while its still early! See you in game!